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'The Golden One'




Basic Biography 



Generosity/Lavishness, Tender, Bold - Amusing, Confident, Guileless - Difficult, Contemptible, Discontented 



Aurelius is a giver to all, he has dedicated his whole life to being the lavishness and pure handed one upon many of the homestead towns around his own. Aurelius had grown up in the heart and core of a great depression of his own people. The kingdoms around even struggled for what was an economic crash to do with the poorness of the people and even their emotional being was damaged. Many would starve on the streets, begging again and again for money, cash, something, and anything. One day, he did not know what to give one, an elderly man who appeared to be not fit for being such a stray, he handed him one of his belonging, a small golden piece he had collected. One day, he heard a voice, who spoke of the ending of the depression, it was through forgivingness, through giving. The speaker had led Aurelius to a lavishness of gold bars, to hand out among the many cities, in which he did. Each singular golden brick shined with a new tomorrow for the towns he knew deserved such goods for their suffering and hardship. Aurelius found himself handing out each family with one as he continued through out the villages to end up with only ending up with one for his own family. The news spread like fire upon each original village keeper, those who had kept the villages in peace originally became to weak and feeble for the job, eventually they all decided on a decision. They signed a large signed document for each townspeople to sign over the highly debated topic to have a large kingdom instead of four small villages, their leader to be 'the gold-giver, the giver to all, Aurelius." It went through, he was officially a Prince of Lavishness. 

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